SGI, 1600 Ampitheater Parkway, Mt. View, CA. building 40, in the Presentation Center above the lobby.
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Werner Schaefer is currently a senior compliance engineer with Cisco Systems, corporate complinace department, in San Jose, California. His educational background includes degrees received from the Technical University in Darmstadt, Germany (RF and Microwave Major, MSEE, received in 1982), and the Hochschule f�r Berufst�tige, Germany (Marketing Major, MBA, received in 1990).
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He received his Bachelor of Physics degree from California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo.
He has participated on national and international standards committees and contributed to those standards. He is currently a member of ECMA TC-12, working on the generic safety standard.
He is author of "Technically Speaking," a regular column of the Product Safety Newsletter. Some of these articles have been re-published in national and international magazines. He is author of "Dynamic Aspects of Body Impedance," appearing in Electrical Shock Safety Criteria, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Electrical Shock Safety Criteria, edited by J.E. Bridges, Pergamon Press. He is co-author and teacher of "Hazard Based Safety Engineering," a Hewlett-Packard Company proprietary course in product safety.
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The physical causes of the two H-field and three E-field components of the charge element are easily explained, and they are kept obvious with the descriptions derived for those components. Simple examples are then given to show how to use charge elements to better understand the fields of full-size currents, and the physical origins of those fields.
Speaker Bio
- Scott Bennett was a radar repairman in the USAF (1948-52); an EE student at PA State University (1952-55); a Field Service Tech. for GE Co. (1955-60); and an EE student at Syracuse University (1960-67). At Syracuse he earned the BEE ('63), MSEE ('65), and PhD ('67); he was a NASA Fellow while earning the MSEE, and an Instructor of EE while earning the PhD. Scott then was an Assistant Prof. at VA Polytechnic
Institute (VPI) from 1967 to 1970; a Staff Engineer for Burroughs Corp. in City of Industry, CA from 1970 to
1974, and an MTS of Hewlett-Packard Co. in Loveland and Fort Collins, CO from 1974 to 1990. He taught a
senior level course in electromagnetics at VPI for three years, and he specialized in EMC at HP for 13 years.
Since his "retirement" in 1990, he has been
working harder than ever -- to free electromagnetics from the
abstract mathematics with which it is usually taught, and treat it more like
the physical science it is.
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February 2001 Meeting Notice
Standards for Europe" - Jerry Ramie
EN61000-4-5 Lightning Strike (Surge)
EN61000-4-6 Confucted RF Immunity
EN61000-4-8 50 Hz Magnetic Fields
EN61000-4-11 Power Dips & Interrupts
EN61000-3-2 Power Harmonics
EN61000-3-3 Power Flicker
EN55022/1998 the "New CISPR 22" tests for ITE & Telecoms
This is essential information on the newly mandated tests required during
2001. Early knowledge of these "Emerging Standards" and
their impact on your design and marketing plans will put you far ahead of your
The speaker is Jerry Ramie of ARC Technical Resources, Inc., a 20-year veteran
of Regulatory Compliance, EMC, and RF/Microwave
measurement instrumentation.
From 1985 to Present, Jerry has worked in the Manufacturer's Representative
business here in the West, with membership in the dB Society
and the IEEE-EMC
Society Recognition Award for 1997-98 (Santa Clara Valley section) Jerry
co-founded Compliance Systems
Corporation in
1998 to integrate various brands of
equipment into complete EMC systems.
In the early '80's Jerry was a Field Sales Engineer with EATON Corp. involving
the EMC Test Equipment & Systems, RF & Microwave
Spectrum Analyzers,
Synthesized Signal Generators, AC Products, Noise Figure Equipment, and
Broadband Linear Amplifiers for Military and
Commercial test installations.
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BS+MS in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1993. Worked for MIT Lincoln Laboratory on satellite free-space laser
communication links 1991-1994. Worked for Hughes Network Systems designing satellite radio transceivers (DirecTV) 1994-1999. Currently an Applications
Engineer with Agilent Technologies.
Of all the possible data patterns used in a Gigabit-Ethernet system, the Idle Pattern dominates the EMC emissions. It is typically used as a worst
case scenario for EMC characterization and testing. This is because in many systems, the steady state Idle Pattern consists of a repeating 20-bit
sequence, causing a very distinct emissions spectrum which can be radiated by high-speed serial components when no data is being sent. However, the Gigabit Ethernet standard allows for some flexibility in the implementation
of Idle Pattern. Software/Firmware can be modified to lengthen/randomize the Idle Pattern, lowering peak emissions and improving EMC compliance
dramatically. Reduced emissions in a multi-port Gigabit Ethernet system using these alternative Idle Patterns was demonstrated. The 10-Gigabit
Ethernet Alliance is already applying these lessons to reduce Idle Pattern emissions in next generation 10-gigabit Ethernet systems.
GbE Idle Pattern and EMC Performance in GbE systems
8B/10B Encoding
Basic discussion of 8B/10B encoding system used by GbE systems
Idle Pattern
Implementation of GbE Idle Pattern using 8B/10B encoding
Initial Experiment
Initial experiment with alternative GbE Idle Patterns to reduce EMI
EMC Testing of Alternative GbE Idle Patterns
EMC testing with commercial system and alternative GbE Idle Patterns
10GbE Committee Recommendations
Alternative (Randomized) Idle Pattern included in 10GbE standard.
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Radiated field strength measurements at frequencies above 1 GHz are becoming common requirements for a wider range of equipment than ever before. In addition to case radiated measurements from licensed transmitters, and restricted band emissions from FCC Part 15 devices and for ISM equipment, ITE equipment is now included as one of the categories requiring testing to microwave frequencies. The current 1GHz microprocessors and the 2 GHz processors in development are pushing testing requirements up to the 5 - 10 GHz range. The presentation will review the regulations requiring measurements above 1 GHz for ITE and other types of equipment. Specialized test equipment, such as horn antennas, boresight antenna masts, low loss flexible coaxial cables, and harmonic mixers will be discussed.
There will also be discussion of test
methodology. Published test procedures often lack the level of detail that
is necessary to make repeatable and accurate measurements. The narrow beam
widths of the measurement antennas and the highly directional nature of the
emissions require careful search procedures to accurately measure maximum field
strengths, and slight differences in technique can
result in level measurements that can differ by
more than 10 dB.
Tom Cokenias has been in the RF regulatory field for over 25 years. He spent 8 years working as an electronic engineer in the Equipment Authorization Branch of the FCC Laboratory in Columbia, MD. Since 1983 has held senior engineering positions at a number of EMC laboratories in the Bay area, most recently as Director of Engineering at Compliance Certification Services. He is also owner and chief consultant at T.N. Cokenias Consulting in El Granada, CA.
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Dr. Zorica Pantic-Tanner is Director of the SFSU
School of Engineering, and Director of the SFSU Center for Applied
Electromagnetics, a research facility that provides resources for theoretical
and experimental studies in applied electromagnetics. She received her B.S.,
M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nish in
1975, 1978, and 1982, respectively. After graduating she became an Assistant
Professor and then Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic
Engineering at the University of Nish. In 1984 she was awarded a Fulbright
Scholarship for
postdoctoral research in the area of Applied
Electromagnetics with the Electromagnetics & Communications Lab of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 1989 she joined the School of
Engineering at San Francisco State University. Dr. Pantic-Tanner's research and
teaching interests are in the areas of Electromagnetic Field Theory, Applied
Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). She has published over
50 conference and journal papers in these areas. Dr. Pantic-Tanner is Chair of
the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society, a member of
the IEEE EMC Society Education Committee, and
Vice-Chair of the IEEE EMC Society Technical Committee TC-9 on Computational
Electromagnetics. Under the IEEE EMC Society sponsorship, she has also developed
and taught several EMC courses.
Franz Gisin is EMC/Signal Integrity Design Manager at Sanmina Corporation. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Idaho in 1972, and his M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Santa Clara in 1986. Franz has been active in the EMC community for over 27 years, and has published numerous papers ranging from measurement uncertainties associated with 1/R extrapolation on OATS to mechanisms of common mode radiation from PCBs with attached cables. He is a past EMC Society Distinguished Lecturer and a past member of the EMC Society Board of Directors. Currently he is steering committee chair of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. He also teaches electromagnetics at SFSU.
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Last Updated: 04/18/01