Table of Contents
Article I - Name  
Article II - Field of Interest and Objectives  
Article III - Membership  
Article IV - Management  
Article V - Chapter Officers  
Article VI - Committees  
Article VII - Nominations and Elections  
Article VIII - Meetings  
Article IX - Financial Support  
Article X - Amendments  

Article I - Name

Section 1. This organization shall be known as the IEEE Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Society.

Section 2. Hereafter "Chapter" shall refer to the organization named in Section 1. "Society" shall refer to the Society or Societies named in Section 1, and "Section" shall refer to Santa Clara Valley Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, having administrative responsibility for the Chapter(s).

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Article II - Field of Interest and Objectives

Section 1. The field of interest of the Chapter shall be Electromagnetic Compatibility.

Section 2. The Chapter shall sponsor meetings of the Section within the field of EMC, shall provide the necessary personnel for Section committees, and shall assist in any Society EMC symposium or conference held within the Section territory. The Chapter shall be responsible for coordination with the Section on such symposia or conferences.

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Article IV - Management

Section 1. The Chapter shall be managed by an Administrative Committee (ADCOM) composed of the Chapter officers and the Standing Committee Chair. The Administrative Committee shall be responsible for carrying out locally the program of the Society and shall be governed by the actions of the Administrative Committee of the Society. It shall be responsible for making such reports to the Societies as may be required by their Bylaws, and for making meeting, financial and other reports to the Section.

Section 2. The term of office of all Chapter officers shall be one year starting on July 1. No person shall hold the same office for more than 3 consecutive years. The Administrative Committee shall fill vacancies of office during the year.

Section 3. No Chapter or any officer or representative thereof shall have the authority to contract debts for, pledge the credit of, or in any way bind the Section, Society, or the IEEE. Disbursements in excess of $1000.00 shall require the approval of the Chapter Chair and the Section. Disbursements in excess of $2000.00 shall also require the approval of the majority of the Administrative Committee.

Section 4. All officers, committee members, or representatives thereof shall adhere to the IEEE Code of Ethics when performing their duties.

Section 5. All current officers and committee Chair are responsible for the orderly transfer of documents and information to the next year's officers and committee Chair.

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Article V - Chapter Officers

Section 1. The Chapter officers shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers shall be members of the IEEE EMC Society and Chapter, and hold the grade of Fellow, Senior Member or Member.

Section 2. The Chapter Chair shall:

  • Have general supervision of the Chapter in all its activities.
  • Preside at all meetings of the Chapter per se and of its Administrative Committee.
  • Represent the Chapter at all meetings, Sectional, Regional or otherwise, having business or activity embraced by the field of interest of the Society.
  • Be an ex officio member of all Chapter committees. Appoint the Chair of all Chapter Committees other than the Technical Program Committee.
  • Attend (or designate an alternate Chapter Officer if the Chair is unable to attend) all SCV Section meetings, and provide necessary reports and information to Society and section officers.
  • Get approval from Section of any expenditures greater than $1000.00.
  • Prepare a budgetary plan for the upcoming year to ADCOM by the second week of September.

Section 2. The Vice Chair shall:

  • Assume the duties of the Chair during the latter's absence or incapacity.
  • Assume any of the duties of the office of the Chair when so directed by the Chair.
  • Be Chair of the Technical Program Committee.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall:

  • Manage the funds of the Chapter in accordance with IEEE Section and Chapter policy.
  • Maintain accurate financial records, and prepare and submit any financial statements required by the Chair, ADCOM Committee, or Section.
  • Coordinate payment of monthly meeting dinner.

Section 4. The Secretary shall:

  • Keep accurate minutes and records for all activities of the Chapter.
  • Prepare and mail the Chapter Newsletter approximately two weeks prior to a Chapter meeting to each Chapter Member and Affiliate so recognized.
  • The Newsletter shall include notice regarding meetings, symposia, conferences, conventions, and other pertinent functions and activities of the Chapter.
  • Obtain mailing labels from the Section for newsletter. Submit a copy of the Chapter Newsletter to the "Chapter Chatter" editor of the IEEE EMC Society's quarterly newsletter.
  • Record attendance at each chapter meeting and submit appropriate documentation to the Section.
  • Maintain a copy of all technical papers, Vue graphs, etc. handed out at the Chapter meetings for at least 1 year.

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Article VI - Committees

Section 1. Each committee shall be headed by a Chair, and shall have the power to divide its work or create a subcommittee of its own selection. The Chapter Chair may create additional ad hoc committees as necessary to ensure the smooth and proper operation of the Chapter. The standing Committees of the Chapter shall be Membership, Institutional, Technical Program, Activities, and Nominating.

Section 2. The Membership Committee shall:

  • Encourage and promote Chapter membership consonant with membership requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.
  • Ensure that IEEE applications are displayed at every technical meeting.

Section 3. The Institutional Committee shall:

  • Actively seek institutional listings for the Chapter Newsletter.
  • Submit listings that are in a camera ready artwork format to the Chapter Secretary for inclusion into the Chapter Newsletter.
  • The price for an institutional listing shall be approved by majority vote of the Administrative Committee.

Section 4. The Technical Program Committee shall:

  • Solicit and coordinate speakers for proper coverage of the Chapter field of interest at technical meetings.
  • Prepare, distribute, and collect speaker and topic surveys to ensure that the needs and requests of Chapter members are met.
  • Submit the meeting notice and speaker biography to the IEEE Grid and the Chapter Secretary.

Section 5. The Activities Committee shall:

  • Coordinate the annual Chapter Social normally held in September.
  • Coordinate the activities at the technical meetings ( for example raffles, cookies and coffee, etc.).
  • Coordinate restaurant arrangements for the monthly meeting dinners.

Section 6. The Nominating Committee shall:

  • Be responsible for coordinating the election of Chapter Officers in accordance with the requirements set forth in Article VII.
  • Submit a nominating procedure for approval by the Chapter Officers on or before the January monthly meeting.
  • Submit any biography and campaign statements in a "ready to copy" form (no greater than 1 legal size sheet) to the Secretary so it can be included in the May Chapter Newsletter.
  • Coordinate the election process during the May Annual Meeting.

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Article VII - Nominations and Elections

Section 1. Candidates must hold Fellow, Senior Member or Member grade memberships, and must be members of both the EMC Society and the Chapter.

Section 2. Nominations shall contain at least one name for each office. Unless otherwise contested, the Secretary automatically becomes a candidate for Treasurer, the Treasurer automatically becomes a candiate for the office of Vice-Chair, and the Vice-Chair automatically becomes a candiate for the office of Chair.

Section 3. No name of any candidate shall be presented without his or her prior consent.

Section 4. The Administrative Committee or its designees shall constitute a Tellers Committee.

Section 5. An Affiliate cannot serve in an elective office in a Chapter nor vote for candidates for these offices unless authorized by the IEEE Executive Committee.

Section 6. In the event of a tie, the nominating committee chair shall cast the deciding vote.

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Article VIII - Meetings

Section 1. The Chapter shall hold monthly meetings every second Tuesday of the month from September through May. The September meeting shall be the Chapter's Annual Social. All other meetings shall be technical meetings. All meetings sponsored by the Chapter shall be open to all Section members and to all Affiliates of the Chapter. The Annual Meeting shall be held in conjunction with the May Technical Meeting.

Section 2. An Affiliate shall be entitled to attend and participate in activities of the Societies with which he or she is affiliated by payment of the same charges as IEEE Members.

Section 3. The Administrative Committee of the Chapter shall hold meetings at such times as are deemed necessary to carry on the management of the Chapter. Meetings of the Administrative Committee may be called by the Chapter Chair at his or her discretion, or shall be called upon request by two of its members. No meeting shall be held unless all members of the Administrative Committee shall have been notified of the time and place at least 2 working days in advance of the meeting. Two-thirds of the Chapter Officers shall constitute a quorum, and a plurality vote of Chapter Officers attending a meeting shall be necessary to conduct business unless otherwise provided to the contrary.

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Article IX - Financial Support

Section 1. A Chapter shall administer and have authority over only such funds as are a) budgeted for it by the Section Executive Committee, or b) given to it by the parent Society through the Section Treasurer.

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Article X - Amendments

Section 1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be initiated by a majority of the Administrative Committee or by petition bearing fifteen signatures of Chapter members.

Section 2. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be made available to chapter members at a regular monthly chapter meeting as defined in Article VIII, Section 1. A plurality vote by chapter members who are present at the chapter meeting is required to approve the amendments.

Section 3. All changes in the Bylaws must be consonant with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE, the Society, and the Section.

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