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Spectral Lines April 2005 Edition (click to view)

Date: Tuesday April 12th, 2005

Time: Social 5:30 p.m. Presentation 7:00 p.m.

Place: Applied Materials Bowers Cafeteria
3090 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051-0804

Subject: "Part I: EMI Analysis of complex systems, Part II Electrostatic Discharge - It failed! How to find the root cause!"

Speaker:Dr. David Pommerenke

Part I: EMI Analysis of complex systems
Many methods and tools exist for the analysis of EMI of complex systems. Examples are different probing methods, time domain data analysis, frequency domain data analysis at different bandwidths and the methods that fall between time and frequency domain, such as zero span spectrum analysis and Joint-Time-Frequency Analysis techniques such as Short Term FFT and wavelet analysis.

This talk will show the application of different data analysis techniques for complex systems. Special emphasis is given on explaining the methods and on showing when which method provides the better inside, not on promoting one or the other method.

Part II: Electrostatic Discharge - It failed! How to find the root cause!
Assume a system has failed an ESD test. Of course, one could improve shielding but isn't it better to exactly understand which electrical net or IC had been affected and, consequently, just apply a small change to the board or software?

The talk explains methods on how to find the root cause of ESD failures by systematic local injection and how to probe signals with GHz bandwidth, while applying ESD to the system. It will show examples systems that experienced ESD failures that have been located using this technique. Further, it will discuss how IC-level EMC will influence ESD design.

Speaker Bio:
David Pommerenke is associated professor at the EMC laboratory at UMR. Dr. Pommerenke's speciality is the combination of electronics and electromagnetics. Such problems can be found in intentional or unintentional disturbances of circuits, Signal Integrity of fast networks and other situations in which the circuit behavior is dominated by "everything that is not on the circuit diagram". His interests are: EMC, ESD, Electronics, Signal Integrity, measurement years. He is member of the ESD standard setting group within IEC TC77b.

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Spectral Lines March 2005 Edition (click to view)

Date: Tuesday March 8th, 2005

Time: Social 5:30 p.m. Presentation 7:00 p.m.

Place: Applied Materials Bowers Cafeteria
3090 Bowers Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051-0804

Subject: "EMC and the Transformer Center Tap"

Speaker: Fred Leffingwell

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 January 2005 Meeting Presentation Slides
The following link is a .pdf of the presentation by Steve Weir on "Does position matter? Locating bypass capacitors for effective power distribution and EMC control." January Presentation

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Date: Tuesday February 8th, 2004

Time: Social 5:30 p.m. Presentation 7:00 p.m.

Place: Applied Materials Bowers Cafeteria
3090 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051-0804

Subject: "Locating ESD and other Impulsive Events by Time of

Speaker: Douglas C. Smith

Abstract: Now that fast digital scopes are widely available, it is now practical to locate impulsive events using a few simple handmade antennas and looking at time delays of the wavefront. Examples will be discussed and a live demonstration given.

About the Speaker: Mr. Smith held an FCC First Class Radiotelephone license by age 16 and a General Class amateur radio license at age 12. He received a B.E.E.E. degree from Vanderbilt University in 1969 and an M.S.E.E. degree from the California Institute of Technology in 1970. In 1970, he joined AT&T; Bell Laboratories as a Member of Technical Staff. He retired in 1996 as a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff. Recently, he was Manager of EMC Development and Test at Auspex Systems in Santa Clara, CA and is now an independent consultant. Mr. Smith is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors.

His technical interests include high frequency effects in electronic circuit design, including topics such as signal integrity, design reliability, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Electrical Fast Transients (EFT), and other forms of pulsed electromagnetic interference. He also has been involved with FCC Part 68 testing and design, telephone system analog and digital design, IC design, and computer simulation of circuits. He has been granted over 15 patents, several on measurement apparatus.

Mr. Smith has lectured at Oxford University, the University of California at Berkeley, Vanderbilt University, AT&T; Bell Labs, and at many public and private seminars on high frequency circuit design, troubleshooting, measurements, ESD, and EMC. He is author of the book High Frequency Measurements and Noise in Electronic Circuits. He maintains a practical engineering website at containing nearly 100 useful technical articles.

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Spectral Lines January 2005 Edition (click to view)

Time: Social 5:30 p.m. Presentation 7:00 p.m.

Applied Materials Bowers Cafeteria
3090 Bowers Avenue
Santa Clara, CA

Subject: "Does position matter?� Locating bypass capacitors for effective power distribution and EMC control."

Speaker:� Steve Weir, Consultant, Teraspeed Consulting Group

Abstract: Bypass capacitors in digital systems provide power system stability, and often a signal return path for transmission lines referenced against voltage rails. We present analysis and test results that show when and how bypass capacitor position affects bypass network performance.

About the speaker: Steve is an independent consultant with over 20 years plus industry experience with a broad range of expertise. Steve holds 17 US patents, and is a consultant with Teraspeed and to X2Y Attenuators. Steve has architected a number of TDM and packet based switching products, consults on patents and is a frequent contributor to the SI-list signal integrity reflector.

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