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Spectral Lines October 2004 Edition (click to view)
[Meeting has passed, Thank you for attending.]

Date: Tuesday October 12, 2004

Time: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Applied Materials Bowers Cafeteria
3090 Bowers Avenue
Santa Clara, CA

Subject: "Managing a Professional Quality Compliance Laboratory"

Speaker(s): David Bare and Mark Briggs of Elliott Laboratories

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Operating and maintaining a professional quality EMC testing facility is no simple task. There is a wide range of challenges to address, including maintenance of laboratory accreditations, keeping up with ever-changing standards in the global marketplace, acquiring the necessary test & measurement equipment (and keeping it calibrated) and ensuring that your test engineering staff is capable of properly performing all procedures and adhering to your documented quality system. Failure to meet these challenges in an effective and efficient manner carries significant costs and major service quality implications. This presentation will focus on the keys to effective management of an EMC testing facility - either a commercial laboratory or an in-house test facility - with an eye towards changes that may be coming in the not too distant future.


David Bare is the Chief Technical Office at Elliott Laboratories. His background includes over 25 years of experience in compliance engineering. He is a Member of the IEEE, and IEEE EMC Society, and a NARTE registered EMC engineer. David has taught a variety of EMC related courses and has authored or co-authored several technical papers on the subject of EMC compliance.

Mark Briggs is the VP of Engineering at Elliott Laboratories. Mark graduated from the University of York, England with a Masters in EMC and has spent the last 10 years working in EMC test labs in the UK and USA. He has authored or co-authored several technical papers on the subject of EMC compliance. Mark is a Chartered Engineer and Member of the IEE (U.K.), IEEE, IEEE EMC Society and a NARTE registered EMC engineer.

Posted on Friday, October 01 @ 03:15:17 EDT by webmaster
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