What does GOLD do?
The first ten years after graduation from university can be challenging for young professionals. Employment searches, new jobs, professional growth, career development, and life status changes are common experiences for many recent graduates. Going through these challenges can be daunting but IEEE members never have to go through these experiences alone or uninformed.
IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) was created in 1996 as a membership program to help students transition to young professionals within the larger IEEE community. IEEE young professionals are automatically added to the GOLD member community as they graduate.
IEEE GOLD is a vibrant community of engineers, scientists, and technical experts with member representation across the globe and throughout IEEE societies.
GOLD EMC program is transition place from Student member to Higher Grade member. It provides the new Graduate tools to improve professionally such as but not limited to IEEE Explorer, free/discounted webminars, discounted conferences, to network and also opportunities to give back to the Society.
GOLD Vision is to fill up with a global community of enthusiastic, dynamic, and innovative young professionals and engaged for the benefit of humanity.
GOLD Mission is to inspire, energize, empower, and engage young professionals to envision and realize their dreams.
The technical papers and seminars are a big advantage in getting yourself ahead along with the respectable lecturers and advisors that GOLD EMC members will definitely meet at some point of time.
GOLD EMC members will also develop critical but non-technical skills through the peers in the Society such as develop a more effective communication and stand out in the crowd.
Where is GOLD located? When was GOLD EMC born?
GOLD is located globally and GOLD EMC was born on Tuesday Aug 16th, 2011 at the IEEE EMC Symposium Long Beach Aquarium with its first kick off event with an Ice Cream Social.
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