About the IEEE and the EMC Society

The Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society is one of the largest and most active Chapters in the EMC Society with approximately 250 members. The Chapter hosts a variety of interesting programs for the EMC community, ranging from monthly meetings between September and May, technical colloquiums, EMC classes at local colleges and universities, and the Spectral Lines monthly newsletter.

Our parent organization, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is the world's largest technical professional society. It is a non-profit organization that promotes the development and application of electrotechnology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of its members.

The IEEE is divided into 37 specialized societies, one of which is electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). The EMC Society focuses on the capability of systems or equipment to operate properly without degradation due to electromagnetic interactions. The EMC Society enhances electromagnetic compatibility through:

  1. The generation of engineering standards
  2. Measurement techniques and test procedures
  3. Measuring instruments
  4. Equipment and systems characteristics, such as susceptibility (immunity), vulnerability, related propagation effects, and subjective effects, frequency allocation and assignment
  5. Improved (interference reduction or control) techniques and components
  6. Education in electromagnetic compatibility
  7. Studies of the origins of interference, both man-made and natural, and their classification
  8. Spectrum conservation
  9. Spectrum utilization
  10. Shielding techniques
  11. Side effects of electromagnetic energy
  12. Scientific, technical, industrial, professional or other activities that contribute to this field, or utilize the techniques or products of this field

Additional information about the IEEE and the EMC society can be found at the IEEE home page and the EMC Society home page.

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