EMC '98
Colloquium and Exhibition
Compliance: Understanding the Fundamentals
June 1, 1998
The Westin
5101 Great
America Parkway
Santa Clara,
Welcome to EMC '98
, the latest in a series of short technical programs sponsored by the award-winning
Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society.
This year we have elected to host a one day show on June 1 that includes
two concurrent technical programs (featuring an impressive lineup of nationally
and internationally recognized EMC and compliance professionals) as well
as an exhibition of table top vendors. Whether it's EMC product design
or the latest in telecom regulations - you will find the action packed
EMC '98 program will help you design compliance into your
products in a timely and cost effective manner.
On behalf of the EMC 98 Steering Committee and the SCV EMC Chapter officers,
we look forward to seeing you there!
Franz Gisin
EMC '98 Committee Chair
Ken Renda
SCV EMC Society Chapter Chair
Table of Contents
Overview of the Program
The EMC '98 Colloquium and Exhibition consists of two parallel technical
tracks and a vendor display exhibition.
In the product compliance track, the impact of EMC,
telecom and safety regulations on product compliance are covered.
Topics that will be covered include:
- National/international EMC regulations
- Measurement uncertainty
- Test laboratory design and accreditation
- Pre-compliance testing
- Telecome regulations
- Product Safety regulations
In the EMC product design track, EMC design techniques are
presented in a clear and concise manner, starting out with the elements
of EMC design, followed by up-to-date design techniques and solutions.
Topics that will be covered include:
- Elements (building blocks) of EMC design
- Printed circuit board design
- Enclosure shielding
- EMI filtering
- ESD design techniques
- Designing loss into your system
- Numerical modeling tools
In addition, an exhibition of table-top vendor displays featuring
EMC test equipment manufacturers, testing services, and compliance related
products are shown. The table top vendor displays will be open during
registration, all breaks, lunch, and the reception. Access to the table
top displays is also available during the sessions.
This Colloquium and Exhibition is ideal for electronic technicians and
design engineers, EMC/compliance test engineers and technicians,
engineering, product development and quality managers, and those new to
the growing area of EMC and product compliance. The Colloquium and
workshop will provide the EMC engineer or Design engineer with an overview
of pertinent regulatory agency requirements, low cost testing and
trouble shooting techniques, and practical mitigation techniques.
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Schedule of Events
Registration: Opens 7:30 am Closes 5:00 pm
Continental Breakfast: 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Morning Technical Sessions: 8:30am - 12:00 noon
Networking Lunch: 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm
Afternoon Technical Sessions: 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Reception: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Vendor Exhibits: 7:30 am - 7:00 pm
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Technical Track 1: Product Compliance
8:30 - 10:00 am
Worldwide EMC Standards Today
Don Heirman, Don HEIRMAN Consultants
10:00 - 10:30 am - Break
10:30 - 11:30 am
Test Lab Considerations
Dan Hoolihan, TUV Product Service
11:30 - 12:00 noon
Precompliance Troubleshooting Test Methods
Scott Roleson, Hewlett-Packard
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Telecom Regulations
Anh T. Wride, Communications Certification Laboratories
2:30 - 3:00 pm - Break
3:00 - 3:30 pm
Product Safety: How to Get it Right the First Time
Murlin Marks, UL
3:30 - 4:00 pm
Product Safety from a Regulatory Agency Viewpoint
Kevin Ravo, UL
4:00 - 4:30 pm
Product Safety from a Designer Viewpoint
Kamran Mohajer, NeTpower Inc.
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Panel Discussion: Current Product Safety Issues
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Technical Track 2: EMC Design
8:30 - 10:30 am
Elements of EMC
Dr. Zorica Pantic-Tanner, San Francisco State University
10:30 - 11:00 am - Break
11:00 - 11:30 am
PCB Design Signal Integrity Issues
Larry Smith, Sun Microsystems
11:30 - 12:00 noon
PCB Design EMC Issues at the Microscopic Level
Mark Montrose, Montrose Compliance Services
1:30 - 2:00 pm
PCB Design EMC Issues at the Macroscopic Level
Michael L. Conn, Mikon Consulting
2:00 - 2:30 pm
Power and Signal Filtering
Joe Aguirre, EMC Technology Services, Inc.
2:30 - 3:00 pm
Enclosure Design Considerations
Jim Chiappe, CKC Laboratories, Inc.
3:00 - 3:30 pm - Break
3:30 - 4:00 pm
ESD Design Considerations
Bill Ritenour, EMC Compliance, L.L.C.
4:00 - 4:30 pm
Designing Loss Into Your System
Dr. Todd Hubing, University of Missouri-Rolla
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Effective Use of EMC Analysis and Modeling Tools
Franz Gisin, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
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EMC '98 Exhibitors (Alphabetical order
to date)
ACS Industries
Advanced Mobile Solutions
Advanced Technical Sales
Advanced Performance Materials (Lunch Sponsor)
A. H. Systems, Inc.
Amplifier Research
Antenna Research Assc., Inc. (Refreshment Sponsor)
ARC Technical Resources
BABT (Reception Sponsor)
CKC Labs (Lunch Sponsor)
Compliance Certification Services
Compliance Engineering Magazine
Credence Technologies
DJM Electronics
Dynamic Sciences
EC Labs
Electro Metrics (Refreshment Sponsor)
Elliot Labs
EMC Compliance Management Group
EMC Technology Services, Inc.
EMC Test Systems (Lunch Sponsor)
Fischer Custom Communications (Reception Sponsor)
Haefely Trench
Instruments for Industry
Instrument Specialties Co., Inc.
Kalmus/CPI/JFW/Semflex/Panashield (Refreshment Sponsor)
Marktek Sales
MC Microwave (Refreshment Sponsor)
MMG-North America
North West EMC (Refreshment Sponsor)
Pacific Power Sources
Precision Research
Quality Compliance Services
Quantum Change
Schaffner/Chase EMC, Inc. (Lunch Sponsor)
Schlegel (Lunch Sponsor)
Spira Manufacturing Corp.
Sunol Science Corporation
Technology International
Test Equipment Corporation
Tokin America (Refreshment Sponsor)
TRW Specialized Services
Underwriters Laboratories (Refreshment Sponsor)
Warth International
Wems Electronics
Zipper Tubing/World Products
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Registration Fees
$125 IEEE Members, Postmarked by
April 15
$150 IEEE Members, Postmarked April
15 - May 15
$175 IEEE Members, after 5/15
$ 25 Non-IEEE Member Charge
$ 50 Full Time Students
$ 50 Vendor Exhibits and Reception Only*
$ 35 Colloquium Record, additional copies**
* Does not include lunch or colloquium record
** Subject to availability at the Colloquium only
The registration fee includes one copy of the colloquium record, continental
breakfast, lunch, and reception. The organizing committee reserves
the right to substitute speakers, restrict size, or cancel the Colloquium.
In the event EMC '98 is cancelled, registration fees will be fully refunded.
Individuals canceling their registration prior to May 1 will receive a
full refund. No refunds will be given to registrants who cancel their
registration after May 1. Attendance is limited. Registration
will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis.
Online Registration Form
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Hotel Information
Guest room reservations at the Westin Hotel may be made by calling the
hotel directly at (408) 986-0700. Guest room rates are $169 single
occupancy, $179 double occupancy, $189 triple occupancy, and $199 quad
occupancy, plus tax. Room reservations must be made by May 1, 1998
and you must mention the IEEE EMC Society in order to receive these reduced
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Steering Committee Members
Chair: Franz Gisin, Silicon Graphics Inc., (650) 933-8789
Vice Chair: Ken Renda, Lockheed-Martin, (408) 742-5135
Treasurer: Dr. Zorica Pantic-Tanner, SFSU, (415) 338-7739
Advisor: Janet O'Neil, Lindgren RF Enclosures, Inc., (425) 868-2558
Hotel: Jennifer Fisher, Test Equipment Corp., (650) 964-3923
Exhibits: Jay Gaertner, ARC Technical Resources, (408) 773-8871
Registration: John Shetler, TRW, (408) 738-2888, x5817
Publicity: Susan Savage, Advanced Performance Materials, (650) 344-8532
Technical Program: John E. Will, Ph.D., NCE, Sun, (650) 786-5844
Publications: Jon D. Zobel Jr., NCE, TRW, (408) 743-4299, x4690
Webmaster: Jeff Evans, Silicon Graphics Inc., (650) 933-1696
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Related Web Pages
Tourism Information Sources
Lodging Information Sources
Westin Hotel
5101 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 986-0700. Toll Free: 1-800-288-3000 (Central Reservations)
Area Hotel List
Clara Convention Center
of Interest in Silicon Valley
Guide to the San Francisco
Bay Area
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