2013 Mini-Symposium:
Date: October 17, 2013
Venue: Biltmore Hotel Santa Clara
Quick Links:
- Program Agenda
- Registration for Full Program
- Registration for Reception & Exhibits ONLY
- Exhibitors
- Hotel Reservation
NOTE: There will be a 30 minute mid-morning and a mid-afternoon refreshment breaks in the exhibit hall.
Registration, Breakfast & Exhibits: 7:30 AM
Morning Session: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Top Ten Features of Ferrites for EMI Reduction
Presenter: Lee Hill, SILENT
High frequency ferrites seem simple but are actually widely misunderstood. In new electronic designs the best ferrite for a specific application is often not chosen, resulting in unnecessary cost or ineffective noise filtering. This interactive session will review the key attributes of ferrites intended for use on printed circuit boards and cable assemblies, and how to choose the right one for your design. Lee will present data sheets and actual applications for the control of emissions and immunity, and demonstrate the performance of different ferrite devices using digital noise sources and a spectrum analyzer/test receiver.
Bad PCB Applications Notes on EMC and What They Did or Can Do to Your Design
Presenter: Lee Hill, SILENT
When the EMI design notes you receive from the component vendor are faulty, a noise problem will almost always be created in your product design. In fact, SILENT often discovers that bad EMI design guidelines are the root cause of many noise problems that we find while working with clients on design reviews and hardware troubleshooting assignments. In this presentation, Lee will review real-life examples of defects in schematics and PCB layouts that created noise problems in physical hardware.
Lunch & Exhibits: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Afternoon Session: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Power Distribution Network Design in Multi-layer PCBs. Part 1 - Physics and Concepts
Presenter: Prof. James Drewniak, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Fundamental concepts and physics that characterize and describe the design, performance, and limits, as well as the inductance physics and calculations that dominate the PDN performance will be presented. The outcome will be the reduction of a real production board with in excess of 20 layers used as an example, to a straight-forward physics-based equivalent circuit model where the model elements are directly related to the geometry. Then the design performance through the frequency domain PDN impedance and its accompanying time-domain voltage ripple can be related directly to the circuit elements in the model. Through this paradigm of relating the geometry features to the model topology and elements, and relating the time-domain and frequency-domain responses to the elements, both steps in a 1-to-1 fashion, a PDN design approach and trade-offs becomes clear.
Power Distribution Network Design in Multi-layer PCBs. Part 2 - Design Methodology
Presenter: Prof. James Drewniak, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Target impedance and its time-domain manifestation in voltage ripple on the PDN will be reviewed and specified for the production board example of Part 1. Then, specifying the PWR net and its adjacent GND return layer, as well as decoupling capacitor number, value(s), and location will be detailed. Trade-offs and limitations will be discussed and quantified.
Reception & Exhibits: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
There will be an exhibition by vendors of EMC design, test and measurement products and services. During the reception in the exhibit area, heavy appetizers and beverages will be served. You are welcome to attend the reception only at NO CHARGE, provided a registration form is submitted in advance. Thus, if you can't join us for the entire day, drop by for the reception and exhibition to network with the speakers and attendees as well as vendors. You might even win a raffle prize! Anyone who ONLY wishes to attend the Reception & Exhibits must register here.
Lee Hill is Founding Partner of SILENT, an independent electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and RF design firm established in 1992 that specializes in EMC and RF design, troubleshooting, and training services. SILENT provides these services worldwide to an average of thirty-five clients per year. Lee received the Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering & Electromagnetics with highest honors from the University of Missouri-Rolla, (now Missouri University of Science and Technology). He is a returning instructor for the IEEE EMC Society�s annual Global University program and he has over twenty-five years of experience in the EMC design and retrofit of complex electronic systems. Lee has been teaching short courses on EMC design and troubleshooting for twenty years. He consults and teaches worldwide, and has presented classes in Taiwan, Singapore, Mexico, Norway, Canada, South Korea, France, and United Kingdom. He is also a regular EMC course instructor for Oxford University (England). Lee is the named inventor of three US patents for EMI control in electronic systems, and provides expert witness services for patent litigation. He is an avid motorcyclist, runner, soccer player and youth coach, table tennis player, and Amateur Radio operator. He serves as an office on the board of directors of two non-profits and a past member of the Society�s Board of Directors (2004-2007). In 1994, Lee was appointed to serve a two year term as an IEEE EMC Society Distinguished Lecturer (DL), and from 1999-2006 he served as chair of the DL program. In the past ten years he has been a frequent featured speaker at IEEE EMC Society fundraising events in cities throughout the US including Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Milwaukee, Dallas/Fort Worth and Detroit and also provided technical presentations to Society chapters in Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Clara, Boston, Austin, Colorado Springs, Pittsburgh, and Orange County, CA.
Dr. James Drewniak (S�85�M�90�SM�01�F�07) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 1985, 1987, and 1991, respectively. In 1991, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology (MS&T; formerly known as the University of Missouri-Rolla), Rolla, where he is currently a Faculty Member in the EMC Laboratory. His research and teaching interests include electromagnetic compatibility in high-speed digital and mixed-signal designs, signal and power integrity, electronic packaging, electromagnetic compatibility in power electronic based systems, electronics, and antenna design
Registration Rates: |
IEEE Member | $250 | |
Non-IEEE Member | $275 | |
Student/Un-Employed* | $100 |
*Full time students only with valid student ID presented on site
Group Discount: Any registration of a group of 5 or more from the same company will qualify for a rate of $250 per person.
NOTE: Payment accepted onsite at the event on 10/17 as well for last minute registration.
Use either the Registration Form or
via PayPal:
NOTE: The registration fee includes one copy of the technical program, continental breakfast, lunch, refreshment breaks, and the reception at the conclusion of the event. The organizing committee reserves the right to substitute speakers, restrict size, or to cancel the event and exhibition. In the event the organizing committee cancels this event, registration fees will be fully refunded. Individuals canceling their registration prior to October 3 will receive a full refund. No refunds will be made to individuals who cancel their registration after October 3. Substitutions are allowed. Attendance is limited. Registration will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis.
For those of you traveling from out of town, you can get a discounted rate at the Biltmore Hotel & Suites Santa Clara. It will be $169.00 in a standard garden room or $189.00 in a tower suite, with wireless internet access included. You may make reservations at 800-255-9925 and refer to "IEEE SCVEMC Mini Symposium 2013", or you can access the following link: Hotel reservations
Vendor Registration:
Fill out the Vendor Registration Form and send as PDF to the Exhibit Chair, Giuseppe Selli. You can send a check or pay via PayPal.
***PayPal highly is recommended since tabletops will be secured in the order the payment is received.Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors:
Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:
- Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
- Altamont Technical Services
- Amplifier Research (AR)
- CKC Laboratories, Inc.
- CST of America
- EMI Solutions
- ETS-Lindgren
- FRD Science&Technology; Co., Ltd
- Haefely EMC
- HV Technologies, Inc.
- In Compliance Magazine
- Intermark USA
- LCR Electronics
- Leader Tech
- Liberty Labs, Inc.
- MET Laboratories
- National Technical Systems (NTS)
- Panashield
- Parker - Chomerics
- Pearson Electronics
- Rohde & Schwarz
- TechDream
- Universal Shielding Corp
- WEMS Electronics